Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Truck Drivers' Inspection

A very crucial component for truck drivers is vehicle inspection, be it annual inspections, or even day-to-day inspections, before setting out to drive. In Canada, the jurisdiction over trucking is shared by both the federal and provincial governments. Through the Motor Vehicle Transport Act  (MVTA), each province can apply their own rules and regulations to vehicles operating in federal jurisdiction. 
In Ontario, Alberta, and Quebec for example, a daily inspection – or Schedule 1 –  is required on any truck, or truck and trailer with either a registered gross weight or an actual weight over 4 500 kg, while in Saskatchewan, the weight limit is on any truck, or truck and trailer which exceeds 5 000 kg. Depending on if a driver is operating across Canada, or staying in one province is also another factor to take into consideration. In Alberta, the Schedule 1 is required for any truck or truck and trailer which weighs or exceeds 11 794 kg . The purpose of the Schedule 1 is to document any defects, major or minor, that a truck may have.

For additional information on Pre-Trip Inspection and online courses for Pre-Trip Inspection visit - a Transportation Compliance Solutions company.